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Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty

Justin Chronister, MD’s team fully understands how experiencing pain or discomfort in your knee joint can severely limit day-to-day activities and our number one goal is to help you regain not just your mobility, but your quality of life.


We also understand that making sure you know what to expect from your knee replacement experience is important to you. If you have additional questions please reach out to the Dr. Chronister team for assistance.

On This Page:

Knee arthroplasty or total knee replacement is a surgical procedure aimed to treat pain in the knee joint caused by damage from arthritis by replacing the damaged surface of the knee with a durable artificial joint. Knee joints can be damaged by many different forms of arthritis including:


  • Osteoarthritis present in older patients

  • Rheumatoid arthritis causing inflammation of the synovial membrane

  • Traumatic arthritis due to injury

When to Get the Procedure

Every patient is unique and may experience joint pain for various reasons. It’s important to fully share the details of what may be causing your knee pain with the team so we may accurately explore available treatment options. Pain resulting from arthritis and joint degeneration can be persistent or intermittent, occur during movement or after rest, and be confined to one area or spread across multiple parts of the body.
It is common for patients to try medication and other conservative treatments to treat their knee pain. If you haven’t experienced adequate relief with those from the following treatment options:

-    Pain or inflammation medication
-    Physical therapy
-    Cortisone or viscosupplementation injections
-    Limited activity
-    Weight loss


You might be a candidate for Mako Total Knee replacement, which may provide you with relief from your knee pain. Contact our team to schedule a consultation. 

When to Get

Benefits of Total Knee Replacement

Dealing with chronic knee pain and limited mobility can be a daunting experience. A total knee replacement, performed by a reputable knee specialist like Dr. Justin Chronister, can offer significant relief. Here are some key advantages:


  • Restored mobility

  • Significantly reduced pain and inflammation

  • Improved quality of life

  • Lasting relief with a durable artificial joint

Benefits Knee Replacement

Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Total Knee Replacement Procedure

Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Total Knee Replacement is an option for adults with mid to late-stage osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, rheumatoid, or post-traumatic injury arthritis. The Mako technology provides a personalized surgical plan custom tailored to your unique anatomy.

Mako Robotic-Arm Assised Surgery, Knee Pain, Arthritis, Orthpedic, Orthopaedic, Justin Chronister, Dr. Justin Chronister, Dr Justin Chronister, Justin Chronister, Justin Chronister, MD

1)    Consultation:


a. The process begins with a detailed evaluation of your condition, symptoms, and medical history to determine if you are a suitable candidate for a total knee replacement.


2)    Procedure:

a. If you are deemed a good fit for a Mako Robotic-Arm assisted Total Knee replacement, you will undergo a CT scan of the affected knee joint. The scan is then uploaded into the Mako System software to create a 3D model of your knee. This model aids in pre-planning and assists your surgeon during the total knee replacement procedure.

b. In the operating room, your surgeon follows this personalized plan while preparing the bone for the Triathlon Total Knee implant. Unlike traditional knee replacements, Triathlon implants, backed by over a decade of clinical history, are designed to work with your body to support natural-like circular motion.

c.    Using the robotic arm, the surgeon precisely removes diseased bone and cartilage within the pre-defined area. The Mako System ensures the surgeon remains within the planned boundaries. In a laboratory study, Mako Technology demonstrated accurate implant placement according to the personalized surgical plan.

3)    Recovery:

a.    After surgery, you will be placed on observation by the Dr. Chronister team to ensure you are stable and alert. Typically, it is recommended you stay at the hospital for several days.

b.    You will receive a physical therapy consultation and be coached on an exercise plan to aid in regaining muscle strength and range of motion. 

c.    You will be sent home with cleaning instructions and will be responsible for keeping the surgical area clean and dry. You may be instructed to keep your leg elevated or to apply ice to reduce swelling. Be sure to follow recommendations from Dr. Chronister when using pain relievers. 

d.    Take steps outside of the hospital to reduce the likelihood of falling and damaging your new joint.

e.    Notify Dr. Chronister immediately if you notice fever, bleeding, fluid drainage, or increased pain from the incision site. 



It's important to understand that an orthopedic surgeon performs the surgery, using the robotic arm as a guided tool to position the implant in the knee joint. The robotic arm does not operate independently; it doesn't perform the surgery, make decisions, or move without the surgeon's guidance. The Mako System also enables your surgeon to adjust the surgical plan as needed during the procedure.


Total Knee Replacement Procedure Risks and Considerations 

Patients who are found to have the following conditions may not be suitable candidates for a total knee replacement:

  • Certain types of infections

  • Mental or neuromuscular disorders which may create an unacceptable risk for:

    • Prosthesis Instability

    • Prosthesis Fixation Failure

    • Complications in Post-Operative Care

    • Compromised Bone Stock

    • Skeletal Immaturity

    • Severe Instability of the Knee


As with any surgical procedure, a total knee replacement comes with risks to consider, including but not limited to:

  • Nerve damage

  • Infection

  • Blood clots

  • Kidney failure

  • Loss of intestinal digestive movement

  • Blood loss

  • Changes in blood pressure or heart rhythm

  • Emboli, stroke, or pneumonia

  • Heart attack

  • Death


Additionally, there are risks to consider related to your surgical implant which could lead to a knee revision procedure, including:

  • Dislocation

  • Loosening or wear of the implant

  • Fracture

  • Nerve damage

  • Abnormal bone growth in tissue

  • Metal sensitivity

  • Soft tissue imbalance

  • Localized progressive bone loss

  • Reaction to particle debris


It’s important to keep in mind that artificial joints may not provide the exact same feel or performance as a healthy organic joint.

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Why Choose Justin Chronister, MD for Your Total Knee Replacement?

Dr. Justin Chronister specializes in all types of sports-related injuries and arthritic conditions of the knee using the most up-to-date technology and minimally invasive methods. Dr. Chronister’s techniques in tandem with the utilization of Mako technology set him apart in the field allowing him to craft personalized treatment plans and comprehensive post-surgical care designed to suit each individual patient’s needs.


As a fellowship-trained, board-certified knee surgeon in Houston, Dr. Chronister stands out. With a successful track record of helping countless patients regain mobility and enhance their quality of life, choosing Dr. Chronister means receiving top-notch care from an orthopedic surgeon whose passion and commitment to patient well-being is unmatched.


James Wise

​Dr Chronister is a great doctor. He has done 5 knee surgeries for my family and has done a wonderful job! Great bedside manners, explains everything that is going on so you can make educated decisions, and he and his staff are great at following up and responding to follow up concerns and questions. I highly recommend him!

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